Yoga Vidya Yoga Class – Intermediate Level 20 minutes

A complete Yoga practice in 20 minutes: Pranayama, sun salutation (surya namaskar), 12 basic postures (asanas), final relaxation. For intermediate students who already master the basics. No more excuse for not having time to practice: In 20 minutes you can do so much for yourself! Feel refreshed and energized. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Voice/camera: Sukadev Bretz. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on

Yoga Class with Affirmations for Development of Mental Powers

Develop your mental powers with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Synchronize your Yoga Practice with highly effective affirmations. With dynamic Mantra-Chanting with Gopiji. This Hatha Yoga Class is suited for intermediate and advanced students. Sukadev leads you through the following Hatha Yoga practices: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Vira Bhadrasana (heroe pose), Shirshasana (headstand), Garbhasana (child’s pose), Paschimotthanasana (forward bend), Bhujangasana (cobra), Anjaneyasana (crescent moon), Kakasana (crow), Shavasana (final relaxation) with affirmation on the mental aspects of the Chakras, Kapalabhati. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . More Videos on

Yoga Class for Chakra Awakening – for Intermediate Students

Activate your Chakras and let the energies flow. Sukadev leads you to an intermediate Yoga Class with concentration on the Chakras and their mental powers. This One-Hour-Yoga-Class consists of: Relaxation, Om Chanting, Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Sun Salutation with Surya Mantras, Navasana, Shirshasana (Headstand), Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), Halasana (Plough), Matsyasana (Fish), Paschimotthanasana (Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Cobra); Shalabhasana (Locust), Dhanurasana (Bow), Garbhasana (Child’s Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist), Final Relaxation with Laya Yoga Technique, Om Chanting. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers and ayurveda therapists at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on


Intermediate Yoga Vidya Class 20 Minutes

Recharge and relax – 20 minutes of Yoga for intermediate students. Sukadev Bretz leads you into the following exercises:

Kapalabhati, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), Halasana (plough),

Matsyasana (Fish), Ardha Matsyendrasana, final relaxation. Demonstrated by Carlotta, yoga teacher and ayurveda therapist at Yoga

Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on


Yoga Vidya Yoga Class – Intermediate Level 20 minutes

A complete Yoga practice in 20 minutes: Pranayama, sun salutation (surya namaskar), 12 basic postures (asanas), final relaxation. For intermediate students who already master the basics. No more excuse for not having time to practice: In 20 minutes you can do so much for yourself! Feel refreshed and energized. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Voice/camera: Sukadev Bretz. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on


Yoga for your Back – 20 Minutes Yoga Class

Relax your spine, strenghten your back and abdominal muscles. Prevent back problems and feel recharged. 20 minutes of Yoga for beginners

and intermediate students. Sukadev of Yoga Vidya guides you through the following Hatha Yoga Exercises: Relaxation, Nakarasana

(crocodile), Navasana (boat for strengthening the abdomen), supported Sarvangasana (simplified shoulderstand), Matsyasana (fish), Leg

stretch, Shalabhasana (bird’s pose), Majariasana (cat’s pose), Shavasana (final relaxation). Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga

teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on


Yoga Class with Affirmations for Development of Mental Powers

Develop your mental powers with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Synchronize your Yoga Practice with highly effective affirmations. With dynamic Mantra-Chanting with Gopiji. This Hatha Yoga Class is suited for intermediate and advanced students. Sukadev leads you through the following Hatha Yoga practices: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Vira Bhadrasana (heroe pose), Shirshasana (headstand), Garbhasana (child’s pose), Paschimotthanasana (forward bend), Bhujangasana (cobra), Anjaneyasana (crescent moon), Kakasana (crow), Shavasana (final relaxation) with affirmation on the mental aspects of the Chakras, Kapalabhati. Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yoga teachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . More Videos on


Yoga for Complete Beginners – Yoga Class 20 Minutes

Yoga for complete beginners. Gentle Yoga Class of 20 minutes. For relaxation, more energy and joy. Relaxation pose: Crocodile Poses to relax the lower back. Shoulder exercises to relax the neck and shoulders. Sitting forward bend for flexibility. Inclined plane for strengthening the back. Spinal twist for good massage of the abdominal organs. Final relaxation to really let go. You will feel full refreshed and recharged. Try it out! Demonstrated by Aruna, instructions by Sukadev Bretz of . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on

Beginner’s Yoga Class 20 Minutes

Yoga for advanced beginners: If you know a little bit about Yoga, you can practice with this 20-minute Yoga Class. Celebrate Life – Enjoy Relaxation and Energy. Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya leads you to the following Yoga exercises (you don’t need to know those names – these names are for the experts – you can just practice…) : Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), Matsyasana (fish), Paschimotthansana (forward bend), inclined plane, Bhujangasana (cobra), Garbhasana (child’s pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (spinal twist), Shavasana (final relaxation). Demonstrated by yoga teacher at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos . Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on


Standing Yoga Class 10 Minutes

No mat – needed: Get new energy and relaxation by doing this 10-minutes Yoga class in standing position. You can practice with your normal clothes – you can even leave your shoes on if you want. No mat, no pillow no props needed – just yourself 🙂 Try it out – now… (or later 🙂 ) Presented by Carlotta and Sukadev from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Infos on Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Programs in English
