Intermediate Sun Salutations Variations

Follow along with this video and try out some intermediate sun salutations variations. The variations include crescent moon, inverted V with a leg lift, and a side twist. This is helpful to practice along with regular versions of the sun salutations. Demonstrated by: Ruth. Camera: Ravidas. Voice: Sita. For more videos, blog posts, music, on all topics related to yoga please see . For more information on english seminars and courses at Yoga Vidya please go to .


Sitali – Advanced Cooling Yoga Pranayama

Open your higher Chakras, develop serenity and calmness of mind, feel fresh and renewed. This is an advanced variation of Sitali. Anybody attempting to practice this advanced variation should master the basic Sitali, also available in this channel. Here Sitali is done with Antar Kumbhaka, Mahavedha and Khechari Mudra. Presented by Lisa and Sukadev of Yoga Vidya, a leading Yoga organisation in Germany.


Bhramari – the humming Yoga breath – improve your voice, feel inner joy

Bhramari helps to develop your voice, remove mucus from your throat, increase your vital capacity. When you practice Bhramari, you feel joy in your heart, new inspiration can come. Bhramari is one of the major Yoga Pranayama Techniques. This Pranayama can be practiced on its own, before meditation or after alternate nostril breathing. Presented by Lisa and Sukadev of


Sun Salutation Variations – 3x Transition Repeat

This intermediate level demonstration of the sun salutations repeats the transitions between the steps 3x each. For example, position 1 to position 2 is performed 3 times, then position 2 to position 3 is performed 3x, and so on. Follow along or try it on your own – it is challenging and great for building up strength and endurance. Demonstrated by Jan. Speaker: Sita.
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For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .


Heart opening meditation with Sukadev

German with English translation!
In this guided meditation uses Sukadev the technique of visualization. The meditation guides us into a connection with heaven and earth. Seats stable and relaxed for the meditation.

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For more information on English classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages.

20 minütige geführte Meditation mit Sukadev. Setze dich ruhig und entspannt hin für die Meditation! Nimm einige tiefe Atemzüge. Übe in der Meditation Visualisierungen und erschaffe eine Verbindung mit den Energien des Himmels und der Erde.

Informationen über Meditation und Meditationstechniken findest du auf dem Yoga Vidya Meditationsportal. Hier findest du alle Seminare zum Thema Meditation bei Yoga Vidya.
Bei Yoga Vidya finden täglich Yoga Kurse, Abendkurse, Mantrasingen und vieles mehr statt. Erfahre mehr über Yoga Vidya.


Acro Yoga demonstration by a group of AcroYoga Teacher

AcroYoga demonstration from the AxroYoga Teacher Training Level 1.
Enjoy this wonderful AcroYoga performance full of courage and enthusiasm.
Functional rooms bookable at Seminarhaus Shanti in Bad Meinberg, Germany.
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English Videos about Yoga, meditation and more! Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops. For more English yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages.


Kakasana – several advanced varations of the Crow

Try the side Crow, a challenging Yoga Asana. Monika shows several variations of Kakasana, the Crow from different perspectives. The Crow helps to develop balance, concentration and strength. Commented by Kaivalya, demonstrated by Monika.

More about Yoga Vidya. Join our great Yoga Community! Information about the next Congress. Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops. Visit Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg in Germany and stay in a peaceful environment.


Yoga demonstration by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation at the European Yoga Congress 2016 in Durbuy

From 27th-29th May 2016 was the 2nd European Yoga Congress in Radhadesh, near Durbuy / Belgium. A Yoga Vidya Delegation together with Sukadev (the founder of Yoga Vidya) participated at this meeting of great European yoga organizations.
A highlight was an appearance with Kirtan and asanas of Confederação Portuguesa do Yoga / Yoga Portuguese Confederation. Yogis from Portugal, led by H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súránanda Maha Raja showing here deep devotion and joy in their practice.

More about Yoga Vidya. Join our great Yoga Community!. Information about the next Congress and about Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops.
Vom 27.-29. Mai 2016 fand der 2. European Yoga Congress in Radhadesh, Nähe Durbuy/Belgien, statt. Bei diesem Treffen der großen europäischen Yoga Organisationen haben wir mit einer Delegation den verschiedenen Yoga Vidya Ashrams gemeinsam mit Sukadev an dem Kongress teilgenommen. Ein Highlight war ein Auftritt mit Kirtan und Asanas der Confederação Portuguesa do Yoga / Portuguese Yoga Confederation. Yogis aus Portugal, angeleitet von H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súránanda Mahá Rája, zeigen hier tiefe Hingabe und Freude in ihrer Praxis.

Yoga Vidya Events und Kongresse! Sei beim nächsten Mal mti dabei! Praktiziere intensiv Asanas bei Yoga Vidya.


Yoga Class with Amrta Suryananda Maha Raja – “Maha Sadhana”

If you already know the basic postures you can enjoy practicing this particular yoga class. More about Yoga Vidya. This Yoga Class was given at the European Yoga Congress 2014, “Yoga-Traditional wisdom for the future”, in Bad Meinberg, Germany by Swami Amrta Suryanada Maha Raja. Amrta Suryananda Maha Raja – Jagat Guru is President of Portugeuese and Iberian Yoga Association and Founder and honorary chairman of the Yoga Samkhya Institute. More about him and the Samkhya Institute:
In 2001, he suggested the United Nations and the establishment of a UNESCO World Yoga Day (WYD) in front, which celebrated at the summer solstice on June 20, shall be.
Join our great Yoga Community

Erfahre mehr bei Yoga Vidya über Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Yogatherapie, Seminare, Aus- und Weiterbildungen. Du kannst auch nur einen kostenlosen Yoga-Übungsplan anfordern. Sei beim nächsten Yoga Kongress mit dabei!


Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2 – Intermediate-level yogaclass in Hungarian

Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2. – Az Ászanák mint imádság

Ezen a jógaórán összekötheted a Hatha Jógát a Bhakti Jógával. A Hatha Jóga jót tesz a testi-lelki egészségnek és felébreszti a benned szunnyadó rejtett energiákat, ugyanakkor minden ászana (jógatartás) felfogható az egész testtel végzett imádságként, az Egész előtti tiszteletadásként is. További videókat ès információkat a jógáról, a meditációról és az ájurvédáról a weboldalon találsz.

Intermediate level yoga class in Hungarian – Asanas as a prayer

In this yoga class you can connect Hatha Yoga with Bhakti Yoga. Hatha Yoga is good for your physical and mental health and to awaken dormant, hidden energies in you, but every asana can be interpreted as a prayer (“body prayer”), as an obeisance to the highest.

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English Videos as well on

Yogastunde Mittelstufe 2. auf Ungarisch – Asanas als Ganzkörpergebet mit Arjuna und Shakti
In dieser Yogastunde kannst du Hatha Yoga und Bhakti Yoga miteinander verbinden. Hatha Yoga fördert die Gesundheit von Körper und Geist und erweckt die in dir im verborgenen schlummernden Energien. Gleichzeitig kann jede Asana (Yogastellung) auch als Ganzkörpergebet, als Ehrerbietung an das Ganze ausgeführt werden.

Erfahre mehr über Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation und das Seminarangebot bei Yoga Vidya.


Palming your eyes – for relaxation and clarity of mind

Relax your eyes, prevent headache, get new energy – by doing this simple Yoga exercise, right now, for example. This exercise is easy to do: You rub your palms. Then you put your palms over your eyes and you let the warmth and the energy of your palms relax and recharge your eyes. Do this, especially if you read a lot or sit in front of a computer, smart phone, tablet etc. for long hours. Demonstrated by Aruna. Instruction by Sukadev. Filmed in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos


Yoga – Curso Principiantes – Yoga en Español

Te presentamos esta breve introducción al Yoga, dedicada especialmente para principiantes. En él podrás formarte una pequeña idea de en qué consiste la práctica del Yoga y cómo te puede beneficiar. Una vez que te familiarizes con esta breve clase, estarás preparado para iniciarte con clases en las que podrás obtener una buena base.
Al finalizar podrás comprender y realizar una práctica sencilla y adecuada a las necesidades que tu cuerpo busca y necesita. En esta clase de introducción al Yoga te aconsejamos hacer solo lo que puedas. Sigue la enseñanza a tu propio ritmo, no fuerces ninguna postura. Si notas que en algún momento el ritmo de la clase te supera, no dudes en descansar y unirte al ejercicio cuando lo consideres apropiado… Para practicar yoga no se necesita ser flexible, pero si ser constante en la práctica.
Este es el mejor regalo que uno puede hacerse a si mismo para sentirse bien. Con Gauri Eckhard,

We present this brief introduction to Yoga, dedicated especially for beginners. You can get a idea of what the practice of Yoga and how you can benefit. Once familiarizes you with this short class, you’re ready to get started with classes where you can get a good foundation. At the end you will understand and perform simple and adequate to the needs of your body practice that seeks and needs. In this kind of introduction to Yoga advise you only do what you can. To practice yoga need not be flexible, but be constant in practice. Watch this video in higher quality:
English Videos as well on
Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at


Maitri Bhava Meditation mit Arjuna und Shakti

További videókat ès információkat a jògàròl, a meditàciòròl ès az ajurvèdàròl Ebben a meditációban összekapcsolódunk az Univerzális Szeretettel. Megtapasztaljuk, hogy testünk, érzéseink, gondolataink egész megtestesült lényünk nem más, mint etam vibhutim ennek a Szeretetnek a megnyilvánulása. Szívünk Terébe térve megtapasztaljuk a bennünk és minden teremtett lényben élő Végtelen Irgalmat és ezt sugározzuk ki önmagunkra és minden lényre.

Connect yourself In this meditation with the Universal Love. We have the experience that our bodies, our thoughts and feelings, our whole incarnate beings is nothing more than etam vibhutim, a manifestation of this universal love. We return to the room of Our heart. In that we´ll find the in all beings inherent infinite mercy which radiates on us and all beings.

Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at

Wir verbinden uns in dieser Meditation mit der Universellen Liebe. Unser ganzes inkarniertes Wesen ist etam vibhutim, eine Manifestation dieser Universellen Liebe. Wir kehren in dem Raum unseres Herzen ein und erfahren dort die in uns wohnende unendliche Barmherzigkeit, die auf uns und auf alle Wesen ausstrahlt.
Erfahre mehr über Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation und das Seminarangebot bei Yoga Vidya:


Yoga Eye Exercises – Special Variations

Variations of Yoga Eye Exercises: Improve your vision and concentration – and relax you neck at the same time. Try it out – this can develop mental relaxation, and prevent headache. More Yoga Videos on


Kalarippayat Impressions

Kai and Viktor show Kalarippayat impressions. Kalarippayat is an ancient Indian martial and healing arts. Kalarippayat is strongly influenced by the development of Yoga and Ayurveda.
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Swami Yogaswarupananda leads a Japa with three mantras

During his visit at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg Swami Yogaswarupananda, from the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, leads a Japa meditation. Japa means to feel the meaning of the mantra. He speaks about the meaning of three mantras. About the mantra “Om Namo Narayanaya”, Om Namah Shivaya” and about “Ram”.

Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at English Videos as well on
Swami Yogaswarupananda leitet während seines Besuches bei Yoga Vidya eine Japa Meditation mit drei Mantren an. Japa heißt die Bedeutung des Mantras im Körper zu spüren. Er spricht über die Bedeutung der Mantren „Om Namah Shivaya“, „Om Namo Narayanaya“ und „Ram“. Einführend erklärt er den Ablauf der Meditation und gibt uns Hinweise zu den einzelnen Mantras. Dann beginnt die von ihm angeleitet Meditation. Probiere es aus und mache einfach mit. Mehr Informationen über Swami Yogaswarupananda:

Informationen über Meditation und Meditationstechniken findest du auf dem Yoga Vidya Meditationsportal:
Bei Yoga Vidya finden täglich Yoga Kurse, Abendkurse, Mantrasingen und vieles mehr statt. Erfahre mehr über Yoga Vidya und Yoga:


Sun Salutation with Heroe and Horse Variations

Integrate Heroe and Horse variations into Surya Namaskar, the Yoga Sun Salutation. For intermediate and advanced Yoga practicioners. Demonstrated by Narayani, who gives regularly seminars at Yoga Vidya. More Variations of Sun Salutation


King Cobra

The King Cobra is an advanced variation of the cobra which is good for building strength as well as flexibility. The goal is to get the feet to touch the head, but you can practice it even if your feet do not quite reach. Demonstrated by Santosha. Camera: Ravidas. Speaker: Sita.
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For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
